Friday, 24 September 2010

14. Wear 30 different pairs of shoes

I forgot this one so my list is now out of sync! Never mind... okay so I do own 30 pairs of shoes. I love shoes and buy them very often on a whim, wear them once and they hurt so I don't wear them again. Now I will!!

Monday, 20 September 2010

30. Host A Party

To celebrate the end of my 30 goals and successful completion! I have never had a birthday party as an adult so I am guessing I might throw a 30th somewhere so this might fall just outside of my 30 years with my birthday being on a Wednesday but the planning will be within the goal time.


29. Attend 30 Slimming World Meetings

Sounds easy when you hear that I am a current member but I don't often stay to the meetings and when I have hit goal and am just maintaining, I usually just go to get weighed. I do enjoy the meetings and it is good to get new recipes and motivation, etc but they go on for a long time and by the time I get home I am starving!! So staying to 30 is going to be a challenge.


28. Get To My Goal Weight and Maintain This

I have 2 stone 2lbs to lose and hope to lose this for my holiday in January 2011. The maintaining bit I always find more difficult than losing the weight in the first place so for 12 months this will be my goal. I want to be looking my best for when I turn 30! My weigh ins will be recorded here...

27. Pay Off Credit Card

Not unachieveable as the balance is fairly minimal but it is so easy to just put things on there at the end of the month. To get the balance to zero this will need to change.


26. Teach 30 Hours

I am currently a trainer so should be able to notch up some hours in the immediate future but I am due to return to my permanent role as Radio Operator in December meaning this might be more difficult to maintain. I will need to find new and innovative ways to teach...


25. Give Up Diet Coke for 1 Month

As difficult as chocolate in a way as I am reliant on the fizzy goodness to get my through the working day! Let's see what happens....


24. Give Up Chocolate For 1 Month

This is probably the hardest challenge I have set myself. I eat something chocolatey every day even if it is just a square or so. This certainly won't be doable for me in the festive months but I've got a fair few summer months to go at it.


23. Take the Stairs for 1 Month

This should be fairly easy as my work place doesn't have that many stairs but it will also include any multi storey car parks or hotels I happen to stay in for the month. I'll try and make this as much of a challenge as possible.


22. Go To a Sporting Event

I used to be a regular at Old Trafford to watch Manchester United and Knowsley Road to watch St Helens but haven't been to either for a number of years. I want to go to an event before I am 30 and this can be either something I have been to before or something new. Preferably the latter!


21. Make and Give Away 30 Bookmarks

Lots of people give out bookmarks when swapping on Read it Swap it which, I think is a lovely touch and reminds the other person of you when they open their book... so I will make 30 and give them out to 30 different people. This will be through swaps and others who want them.


20. Meet 30 New People

It is a shame I didn't think of this goal before I joined Slimming World as I would have walked it in 1 day! I like talking to new people though so I am looking forward to it.

1. Graham - University
2. Gill - University

19. Host a Dinner Party

I don't have a dining room so this might be difficult unless I move before turning 30 but I want to cook a 3 course meal for a group of my friends. As much as I like cooking I've never cooked for a group of people before.


18. Bake Bread

I love baking as I have already said and I made bread once in food tech at school but have never attempted it since. I want to make a nice wholemeal bread of some kind so I can still eat it on my diet!


17. Keep a Daily Food Diary

I joined Slimming World around a month ago and keeping a diary of everything I eat helps me to keep my syn intake in control. My food diary will be published here...

16. Paint a Canvas

Also something I have thought about doing for a while. When I looked at artwork for our house I was gobsmacked at how much they cost. I've looked at designs in the past and thought 'I could do that myself'. So in this goal that is exactly what I will aim to do! I want it to be something I can hang in my house so I will need to take some time and effort to think about the design and how I will achieve this.


15. Paint a Ceramic Pot

I've seen plenty of shops that allow you to choose a piece of ceramic and paint it in whatever style you like before they bake it to set the design. I have often thought about going to somewhere like this but always think this sort of thing is really designed for children. I figure when I turn 30 I will be a 'proper' adult so need to do this before hand. :-)


13. Write 30 Book Reviews

I regularly put reviews on Read it Swap it but to complete this goal I will post my reviews on Amazon. For this reason the reviews will be a lot more detailed so I hope my skills will develop towards the end of this goal.


12. Read 3 Jane Austen Novels

I've got a few Jane Austen novels and have had them for some time but have put off reading them in the same way as goal 1! So I plan to read the following:

1. Emma
2. Northanger Abbey
3. Pride and Prejudice


11. Run 300 Miles

This is likely to work alongside my charity goal as I have done a few runs to raise money for charity. I am not a born runner and don't particularly enjoy it so this is a bigger challenge than it sounds!


10. Attend 30 Gym Classes

I was going to call this 30 different gym classes but I don't think there are 30 different ones I could go to at my gym! I will try and aim for this though.

1. 16th September 2010 - Zumba


9. Visit 30 New Places

As with goal 8 this isn't going to be the easiest as I have already visited most of the UK and have no immediate plans to go to new countries before I am 30 with the possible exception of Mexico for my boyfriends sister's wedding. Let's see how I get on and what I find!


8. Eat 30 New Things

I am a real foodie and this might be harder than it sounds as I have eaten most things that would automatically spring to mind as 'new' such as most seafood and meats.


7. Walk 300 Miles

This won't include general every day walking such as walking around the office.

2 miles walked 19th September 2010 - 298 to go


6. Raise £300 for Charity

I regularly do runs for charity and have raised some good sums but I think it is time to step that up. Any money I raise will go to the Michelle Jones Memorial Fund I wrote to Michelle for many years throughout my childhood and stayed in touch through meetings and Facebook until her life was taken away by  an aggressive form of skin cancer. Michelle lived with a severe case of Crohn's Disease for a large portion of her life but she never complained and learned to love her life for what it was, not missing out on anything because 'she couldn't do it'. I will always be motivated and inspired by her bravery and courage so any money I raise will go to her memory.


5. Climb a Mountain

I enjoy walking and hiking but I am a bit of a wuss and am not good with craggy edges or extreme heights so this goal will be a pretty big achievement for me. A mountain is generally thought to be over 2000 feet so the nearest mountain to me, by those standards, is Kinder Scout at 2087 feet. There are lots in the Lake District and I would like to conquer a mountain that is automatically thought of as one, rather than 'officially figuratively speaking' being one.


4. Watch 30 Films I Haven't Seen Before

I have been a member of Lovefilm for quite some time and enjoy going to the cinema so this shouldn't be too difficult a goal. Progress of my viewings will appear below and my opinion of the films.

1. Valentines Day - 16th September 2010. This is a real 'feel good' film featuring some big stars such as Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts and Patrick Dempsey. It reminded me of the British film Love Actually in the way it was written and the ending but a very enjoyable easy watching film.

3. Cook or Bake 30 New Dishes

I enjoy cooking and baking but am very lazy. I tend to make the same things as they are quick and easy. As a recent Slimming World member I want to try different things that I can feel satisfied with and still lose weight. The photographs and recipes will appear here.

1. Scan Bran Ferrero Rocher

These were yummy and only 1 syn each! Crush 4 scan bran with a rolling pin and mix well with 4 tbsp of nutella which has been melted for 20 seconds in the microwave. Form into 16 little balls and put in the microwave to set.


2. Take 1 Unique Photograph Every Day

I was inspired by Project 365 for this goal whereby you take 1 photograph every day for 1 year. The idea is that you improve your photography skills whilst being more aware of your surroundings. Most of my photographs are likely to be taken on my phone so won't be spectacular works of art but I hope it will help me to see my life in a different way. The photographs are displayed on my facebook page or on

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

1. Read 30 Books Over 12 Months Old

The main reason for this goal is the sheer amount of books I have waiting 'to be read' on my shelf. I have a dreadful habit of buying new books and reading them before the ones that have been waiting to be read for months. I know how long I have had some books through previous swaps on so I will aim to use this to complete this goal.

1. Watermelon by Marian Keyes

**Progress to follow**

The list

The list is below. I will create a blog post for each mission to detail what this means and how I will know when the goal is complete. I will also track my progress on these blog posts. Most may appear simple things to do but to do them all in 490 days whilst working full time is not going to be a small task. Wish me luck and you are welcome to track my progress.

1. Read 30 books over 12 months old

2. Take 1 unique photograph every day

3. Cook or bake 30 new dishes

4. Watch 30 films I haven't seen before

5. Climb a mountain

6. Raise £300 for charity

7. Walk 300 miles

8. Eat 30 new things

9. Visit 30 new places

10. Attend 30 gym classes

11. Run 300 miles
12. Read 3 Jane Austen novels

13. Write 30 book reviews

14. Wear 30 different pairs of shoes

15. Paint a ceramic pot

16. Paint a canvas

17. Bake bread

18. Keep a daily food diary

19. Host a dinner party

20. Meet 30 new people

21. Make and give away 30 bookmarks

22. Go to a sporting event

23. Take the stairs for 1 month

24. Give up chocolate for 1 month

25. Give up diet coke for 1 month

26. Teach 30 hours

27. Pay off credit card

28. Get to my goal weight and maintain it

29. Attend 30 Slimming World meetings

30. Throw a party