Tuesday, 14 September 2010

The list

The list is below. I will create a blog post for each mission to detail what this means and how I will know when the goal is complete. I will also track my progress on these blog posts. Most may appear simple things to do but to do them all in 490 days whilst working full time is not going to be a small task. Wish me luck and you are welcome to track my progress.

1. Read 30 books over 12 months old

2. Take 1 unique photograph every day

3. Cook or bake 30 new dishes

4. Watch 30 films I haven't seen before

5. Climb a mountain

6. Raise £300 for charity

7. Walk 300 miles

8. Eat 30 new things

9. Visit 30 new places

10. Attend 30 gym classes

11. Run 300 miles
12. Read 3 Jane Austen novels

13. Write 30 book reviews

14. Wear 30 different pairs of shoes

15. Paint a ceramic pot

16. Paint a canvas

17. Bake bread

18. Keep a daily food diary

19. Host a dinner party

20. Meet 30 new people

21. Make and give away 30 bookmarks

22. Go to a sporting event

23. Take the stairs for 1 month

24. Give up chocolate for 1 month

25. Give up diet coke for 1 month

26. Teach 30 hours

27. Pay off credit card

28. Get to my goal weight and maintain it

29. Attend 30 Slimming World meetings

30. Throw a party

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